Seedpod Weevil (Kansas Canola)

Scouting time

Observe feeding larvae in developing seedpods during and after bloom.

Sampling method

None listed.


The economic threshold established in these regions is two weevils per plant at flowering. Cabbage seedpod weevil is attracted to the yellow color of canola flowers and attacks young seedpods during and after bloom. The cabbage seedpod weevil lays eggs inside pods, and the developing grubs feed on the maturing seeds. Larvae spend about three to four weeks in the pod and each consumes about 5 to 7 canola seeds on one side of the septum. High infestations cause losses of 20 to 30 percent.

Non-chemical controls

None listed.


This content may not be suitable for states other than Kansas.

Chemical control

Chemical Name



Annex, Bifenthrin, Capture, Discipline, Empower, Fanfare, Sniper and Tundra


Delta Gold


Lambda T, Silencer, Taiga Z and Warrior with Zeon Technology



methyl parathion

Chemnova Methyl

Pesticide label directions and restrictions are subject to change, and some may have changed since this publication was written. Kansas State University entomologists assume no responsibility for product performance, personal injury, property damage, or other types of loss resulting from the handling or use of the pesticides listed. Remember, it is illegal to use a pesticide in a manner that is inconsistent with the label. The user bears responsibility for correct use. Always read and follow label directions carefully.

Crop type