Scientific name
Pest image (all)


Management guide
Grasshoppers can damage wheat crops during eastablishment in the fall and in late spring during heading, or can damage corn anytime. Grasshoppers tend to be more problematic when field surroundings include weeds and grasses. Grasshoppers defoliate plants, making irregular-shaped holes and notches, and can clip entire leaves from the stem. In some cases, wheat heads will lodge over if feeding clips or severs the stem.
Source of information
Wheat Production and Pest Management Guide (CSU 2010), Michael Merchant (Texas AgriLife Extension Service)
Pest diagnostic image(s)

Pest photo source
Brian McCornack, KSU Entomology
Plant diagnostic image(s)

Plant diagnostic image(s) source
Wheat Production and Pest Management Guide (CSU 2010)