Corn leaf aphid

Scientific name
Rhopalosiphum maidis
Pest image (all)
Corn leaf aphid

Corn leaf aphid


Corn leaf aphid has a bluish-green body with head, legs, cauda, antennae, and cornicles are usually darker gray/black/blue in color and/or appear 'dusky'.

Corn leaf aphids may be found on wheat in the spring and on corn in summer but is not generally considered injurious on wheat. Corn leaf aphids are typically found on sorghum or corn, feeding in the inner whorls of leaves. Heavy infestations occur with large amounts of sticky honeydew covering the leaves.


Source of information
Drees (AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M), Kelly Estes (IPM, the Bulletin,
Pest diagnostic image(s)
Pest photo source
Drees (AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M)
Plant diagnostic image(s)
Plant diagnostic image(s) source
Kelly Estes (IPM, the Bulletin,