Sunflower Beetle

Scientific name
Zygogramma exclamationis
Pest image (all)

Sunflower beetle adult


This is a relatively large leaf beetle, 6.0 – 8.0 mm (1/4 – 3/8 inches) long. The head is reddish brown and the wing covers are cream-colored with a series of longitudinal brown stripes on each, the lowest ending in an exclamation point. The eggs are ovate, pale yellowish, and are typically laid in loose aggregations on plant surfaces. The slow-moving larvae are pale greenish to yellowish with a swollen abdomen and light brown head capsule. Adult feeding creates ‘shot-holing’ in the leaves, whereas the more damaging larval feeding leaves larger ‘windows’ chewed in the leaves. 

Source of information
J.P. Michaud, KSU Entomology
Pest photo source
Phil Sloderbeck, KSU Entomology