Flea Beetle

Scientific name
Pest image (all)
Corn Flea Beetle on Corn

Corn Flea Beetle on Corn

Management guide

There are many species of flea beetles, each feeding on different types of plants. Some species feed on wheat when their primary plant food plant such as corn or sorghum dissapears, which is the case of corn flea beetle.

These are black shiny beetles that jump when disturbed. Their enlarged hind femurs and small size makes them distinguishable from other beetles. They feed by striping off the upper surface of leaves, leaving whitish streaks. They are typically a problem along field margins and in early plantings. Forage sorghum or weedy borders often harbor summer populations that can migrate to wheat fields in the fall.

Source of information
Crop and Pest (http://extension.entm.purdue.edu), Mike Quinn (www.bugguide.net), Online (http://www.entomology.ksu.edu/p.aspx?tabindex=205&tabid=497)
Pest diagnostic image(s)
Pest photo source
Crop and Pest (http://extension.entm.purdue.edu)
Plant diagnostic image(s)
Plant diagnostic image(s) source
Online (http://www.entomology.ksu.edu/p.aspx?tabindex=205&tabid=497)