Adding production fields (must be logged in):
1) Select the Manage Fields option
2) Select the +Add a Field link at top of field list
3) Users create fields by designating field location and size. Field history, including information on the cropping system (acres/tillage type/irrigation/soil type), and pest sampling data with treatment decisions.
4) To use the map, enter known field coordinates or select Find my Location. Then select the Center map using Coordinates field button to locate the field on the map, which will be represented by a red or yellow 'pinpoint' marker. Pan the map as needed and drag and drop the marker as needed.
Planned features will include storage of soil sampling test results, nutrient testing, and reporting chemical applications. We are ultimately working towards the functionality to recommend future management decisions based on how a field is maintained. For example, recommending planting options when certain chemicals have been applied in recent history.