Sorghum Headworms (earworm and armyworm complex) (Kansas Sorghum)

Sampling method

Directions for using the Quick Count:

1. Walk at least 15-20 feet into the sorghum field to begin sampling in one row.

2. Grasp the stalk just below the emerged sorghum head, bend the head into the bucket opening and vigorously beat the head against the side of the bucket. Headworms will fall into the bucket where they can be seen and counted.

3. Walk 30 paces down the row and sample another head, then walk 30 more paces and sample another head in the same row.

4. After sampling 3 plants, stop, count and record the total number of medium size (¼-½ inches long) and large (greater than ½ inches long) headworm caterpillars in the bucket. Ignore all caterpillars less than ¼ inches long. Refer to the Quick Count sampling form examples and links below to determine thresholds based on your sampling. If there are mostly large caterpillars, use the Large Threshold. If there are mostly Medium-sized caterpillars, use the Medium Threshold. If there are about 50% large and medium, use the Mixed Threshold.

5. Sample 3 more plants in the same row and add the counts from the previous 3 plants, and add the caterpillar totals.

6. After sampling 6 plants within a row, move over 25 rows and continue the process for each 6 heads.

7. Now, complete the process using the Headworm Calculator to determine your threshold ( Based on your thresholds, use the appropriate Quick Count Form (

8. For each form, compare counts with numbers in red (right) and green (left) boxes. If they equal or exceed the “Treat” box, then stop and treat. If they equal or are lower than the “Don’t Treat Box, then stop sampling and Don’t Treat. If they fall in the yellow “sample” box, keep sampling until you have sampled 48 heads. If you still can’t make a decision at Stop #16, return in 3 days and resample the field.


Based on the threshold determined by the Headworm Calculator, use the following forms for accurate sampling:


Pdf form:












More at: for more forms and information!

Example form format:










3 more heads


Previous Total

New Total

Do Not Treat

Sample 3 More Heads

Treat Field

Do Not Treat

Sample 3 More Heads

Treat Field

Do Not Treat

Sample 3 More Heads

Treat Field


First 3 heads



0 to 1

2 or more

1 or less

2 to 4

4 or more


0 to 2

3 or more







0 to 1

2 or more

2 or more

5 to 7

8 or more

1 or less

2 to 4

5 or more








1 to 2

3 or more

3 or more

8 to 10

11 or more

3 or less

4 to 5

6 or more






1 or less

2 to 3

4 or more

4 or more

12 to 14

15 or more

5 or less

6 to 7

8 or more






2 or less


4 or more

4 or more

15 to 17

18 or more

6 or less

7 to 9

10 or more






2 or less

3 to 4

5 or more

5 or more

18 to 20

21 or more

8 or less

9 to 10

11 or more






3 or less

4 to 5

6 or more

6 or more

21 to 23

24 or more

10 or less

11 to 12

13 or more






3 or less

4 to 5

6 or more

6 or more

25 to 27

28 or more

11 or less

12 to 13

14 or more






4 or less

5 to 6

7 or more

7 or more

28 to 30

31 or more

13 or less

14 to 15

16 or more






5 or less

6 to 7

8 or more

8 or more

31 to 33

34 or more

15 or less

16 to 17

18 or more






5 or less

6 to 7

8 or more

8 or more

34 to 36

37 or more

16 or less

17 to 19

20 or more






6 or less

7 to 8

9 or more

9 or more

38 to 40

41 or more

18 or less

19 to 20

21 or more






7 or less

8 to 9

10 or more

10 or more

41 to 43

44 or more

20 or less

21 to 22

23 or more






7 or less

8 to 9

10 or more

10 or more

44 to 46

47 or more

21 or less

22 to 24

25 or more






8 or less

9 to 10

11 or more

11 or more

47 to 49

50 or more

23 or less

24 to 25

26 or more






9 or less


11 or more

11 or more

51 to 53

54 or more

25 or less

26 to 27

28 or more

If you still can’t make a decision at stop #16, then return in 3 days and resample the field. Use caterpillar size from first 3 heads to choose threshold here:

Economic threshold for Large Headworms: 0.25/head

Economic threshold for Medium Headworms: 1.3/head

Economic threshold for Small Headworms: 0.80/head





This content may not be suitable for use outside of Kansas.

Chemical control

Corn Earworm Management Options



Alpha-cypermethrin (Fastac EC)

 1.8 to 3.8 fl. oz./acre

Beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid XL)

 0.010 to 0.022 lbs. a.i./acre (1.3 to 2.8 fl. oz.)

Chlorantraniliprole (Prevathon)

 14.0 to 20.0 fl. oz./acre

Chlorpyrifos (numerous products)

 Check label, but generally 2 pints/acre.

Chlorpyrifos plus gamma-cyhalothrin (Cobalt Advanced)

 19 to 38 fl. oz. of product/acre

Chlorpyrifos plus zeta-cypermethrin (Stallion)

 5.0 to 11.75 fl. oz./acre

Deltamethrin (Delta Gold)

 0.012 to 0.018 lb. a.i./acre (1 to 1.5 fl. oz.)

Esfenvalerate (Asana XL 0.66)

 0.03 to 0.05 lb. a.i./acre (5.8 to 9.6 fl. oz.)

Gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis)

 0.01 to 0.015 lb. a.i./acre (2.56 to 3.84 fl. oz.)

Lambda-cyhalothrin (numerous products)

 0.02 to 0.03 lb. of a.i./acre

Methomyl (Lannate)

 0.225 to 0.45 lb a.i./acre

Spinosad (Blackhawk)

 0.038-0.075 lb. a.i./acre (1.7 to 3.3 fl. oz.)

Zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAXX, Respect EC)

 0.011 to 0.025 lb. a.i./acre (1.76 to 4.0 fl. oz.)


Fall Armyworm Management Options



Alpha-cypermethrin (Fastac EC)

 1.8 to 3.8 fl. oz./acre

Beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid XL)

 0.010 to 0.022 lbs. a.i./acre (1.3 to 2.8 fl. oz.)

Chlorantraniliprole (Prevathon)

 14.0 to 20.0 fl. oz./acre

Chlorpyrifos (numerous products)

 Check label, but generally 1 to 2 pints/acre.

Chlorpyrifos plus gamma-cyhalothrin (Cobalt Advanced)

 11 to 38 fl. oz. of product/acre

Chlorpyrifos plus zeta-cypermethrin (Stallion)

 9.25 to 11.75 fl. oz./acre

Deltamethrin (Delta Gold)

 0.015 to 0.022 lb. a.i./acre (1.3 to 1.9 fl. oz.)

Gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis)

 0.01 to 0.015 lb. a.i./acre (2.56 to 3.84 fl. oz.)

Lambda-cyhalothrin (numerous products)

 0.02 to 0.03 lb. of a.i./acre

Methomyl (Lannate)

 0.225 to 0.45 lb a.i./acre

Spinosad (Blackhawk)

 0.038-0.075 lb. a.i./acre (1.7 to 3.3 fl. oz.)

Zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAXX, Respect EC)

 0.011 to 0.025 lb. a.i./acre (1.76 to 4.0 fl. oz.)


Crop type