Sorghum Headworms (earworm and armyworm complex)

Scientific name
Helicoverpa zea and Spodoptera frugiperda
Pest image (all)

Earworm caterpillar


Corn earworm and fall armyworm infest the whorls and grain heads of sorghum plants. Larvae hatching from eggs laid on sorghum leaves before grain heads are available migrate to and feed on tender, folded leaves in the whorl.

To find larvae in sorghum whorls, pull the whorl leaf from the plant and unfold it. Frass, or larval excrement, is present where larvae feed within the whorl. Damaged leaves unfolding from the whorl are ragged with "shot holes." Although this may look dramatic, leaf damage usually does not reduce yields greatly, and control of larvae during the whorl stage is seldom economically justified. Also, larvae within the whorl are somewhat protected from insecticide.


Source of information
Pest photo source
Brian McCornack and Phil Sloderbeck, KSU Entomology