First-generation infestations begin in late June. The second (and most damaging)
generation occurs in August. Adult moths begin emerging and laying eggs around
July 15 to July 23, with egg laying reaching a peak somewhere between August 1
and 15.
Treatment thresholds for first generation are not well established but are assumed to be close to those for European
corn borer, except that there may be more of a need to watch smaller plants because
of the greater likelihood of larvae causing deadheart.
For the second generation, insecticide applications should be considered on susceptible corn hybrids when
20 to 25 percent of the plants are infested or if corn is planted in mite prone areas.
This content may not be suitable for states other than Kansas.
Insecticide |
Rate |
Alpha-cypermethrin (Fastac EC) |
2.7 to 3.8 fl. oz./acre |
Beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid XL) |
0.013 to 0.022 lbs. a.i./acre (1.6 to 2.8 fl. oz.) |
Bifenthrin (Capture 2EC) |
0.033 to 0.10 lb. a.i./acre (2.1 to 6.4 fl. oz.) |
Chlorantraniliprole (Prevathon) |
14.0 to 20.0 fl.oz./acre |
Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban 4E) |
1.5 to 2 pints/acre |
Chlorpyrifos plus gamma-cyhalothrin (Cobalt) |
19 to 38 fl. oz. of product/acre |
Chlorpyrifos plus zeta-cypermethrin (Stallion) |
9.25 to 11.75 fl. oz./acre |
Cyfluthrin (Tombstone) |
0.025 to 0.044 lb. a.i./acre (1.6 to 2.8 fl. oz.) |
Deltamethrin (Decis 1.5) |
0.018 to 0.022 lb. a.i./acre (1.5 to 1.9 fl. oz.) |
Esfenvalerate (Asana XL) |
0.03 to 0.05 lb. a.i./acre (5.8 to 9.6 fl. oz.) |
Flubendiamide (Belt SC) |
2.0 to 3.0 fl. oz./acre |
Gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) |
0.01 to 0.015 lb. a.i./acre (2.56 to 3.84 fl. oz.) |
Lambda-cyhalothrin (numerous products) |
0.02 to 0.03 lb. of a.i./acre |
Lambda-cyhalothrin plus chlorantraniliprole (Besiege) |
6.0 to 10.0 fl. oz./acre |
Methoxyfenozide (Intrepid 2F) |
0.06 to 0.12 lb. a.i./acre (4 to 8 fl. oz.) |
Permethrin (Pounce WSB) |
0.1 to 0.2 lb. a.i./acre |
Spinosad (Tracer) |
2 to 3 fl. oz./acre |
Zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAXX, etc.) |
0.017 to 0.025 lb. a.i./acre (2.72 to 4.0 fl. oz.) |
Zeta-cypermethrin + Bifenthrin (Hero) |
4 to 10.3 fl. oz. of product/acre |