Lysiphlebus testaceipes


Lysiphlebus testaceipes is the primary parasitoid of most cereal aphids that occur on the High Plains, including greenbugs, corn leaf aphids and bird cherry-oat aphids. It can also parasitize sugarcane aphids, provided they are not infected with Hamiltonella defensa, a secondary aphid endosymbiont that prevents eggs of these branoid parasitoids from hatching. Each female can parasitize several hundred aphids, although they only live 2-3 days.  Parasitized aphids become swollen and form mummies, from which adult wasps emerge a few days later. 

Agent image
Diagnostic image(s)
Greenbug Mummies
Common name
Greenbug Parasitoid
Photo credit(s)
J.K.Clark, University of California Statewide IPM Project
Agent type
Target wheat pest(s)
Diagnostic description

Female wasps use an ovipositor to lay eggs in a host aphid. Wasp larva develop and pupate within the host body, feeding selectively on the host’s internal tissues (endoparasitism), which eventually causes the aphid to form a dry, brown mummy (pictured here). Mummies will also display perfectly circular holes after adult wasp emergence.

Crop type